
Artist Statement







Media Kit



Selected Solo Exhibitions

2014 WestAmerica Bank, Mill Valley, CA
2003 The Gallery Calumet, San Francisco, CA
2002 Mulligan-Shanoski, San Francisco, CA
2000 Richard Reed Armstrong Fine Art, Chicago, IL
1999 Mulligan-Shanoski, San Francisco, CA
Chico Art Center, Chico, CA
1998 AtriumGallery, San Francisco, CA
Mulligan-Shanoski, San Francisco, CA
1997 688 Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Christensen Heller Gallery , Oakland, CA
UC Berkeley Extension, San Francisco, CA
Gallery 76, Wenatchee,WA
Mulligan-Shanoski, San Francisco, CA
1996 Academy of Art College Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Depot Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
Art Center Gallery, Astoria, OR
Zone Gallery, Dayton, OH
Carnegie Art Center, Leavenworth, KA
1995 San Francisco Airport, San Francisco, CA
Chemeketa Art Gallery, Salem, OR
Sea Cliff Photo Gallery, Sea Cliff, NY
1994 Chamber Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
San Rafael Civic Center, San Rafael, CA
1992 Soho Photo Gallery, New York, NY
Fort Bragg Center for the Arts, Mendocino, CA
Depot Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
1990 Graphix Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
1989 Sea Cliff Photo Gallery, Sea Cliff, NY
1985 Academy of Art College Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1984 J. WalterThompson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1983 Canon Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1982 Photographers Gallery, Huntington, NY
1981 Sea Cliff Gallery, Sea Cliff, NY
1980 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions

2004 Soicher Marin Gallery, Hawthorne, CA
2003 Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2001 Fresh Paint Gallery, Culver City, CA
2000 Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1999 Fresh Paint Gallery, Culver City, CA
1998 Whitebird Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR
1996 Palm Beach Photography Workshop, Palm Beach, FL
1995 Artisans Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1990-1996 San Francisco Eye Gallery Auction
San Francisco Camerawork Auction
1986-1988 Mid- Western Invitational IV Traveling Exhibition
1987 Kern Graduate Commons Gallery, State College, PA
1986 Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA
Fine Arts Center, Lubbock, TX (Award)
Western Connecticut State University, Danbury , CT
1985 Survival Graphics, Madison, WI
Florida Institute of Technology, FL (Award)
1984 Kresge Art Center, East Lansing, MI (Award)
San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
Image Resource Center, Cleveland, OH (Award)
1982 Third Annual UCLA National Printmaking Exhibition Los Angeles, CA (First Place Award)
1981 New Photographics 1981, Ellensberg, WA